October 13, 2011

Juvenile diabetes symptoms

juvenile diabetes symptoms
The symptoms of juvenile diabetes, also known as Type 1 diabetes, and Type 2 diabetes are extremely similar, but the two are caused by very different bodily malfunctions. The symptoms for both are for the most part the same, however, the cause and treatment is very different. Juvenile diabetes symptoms normally affect children. According to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRFI) this type of diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, adult blindness, stroke, heart attack, and nerve damage leading to amputation. One in fourteen type 1 diabetics are children. Juvenile diabetes is a chronic health problem for children. There are many myths and misinformation about diabetes. It is important to know which type the individual is afflicted with in order to provide the right treatment, which also varies between types Juvenile diabetes is an as of now incurable (but treatable!).Juvenile Diabetes is believed to be an autoimmune disorder. There is also a strong hereditary component to juvenile diabetes. Researchers believe an environmental trigger or virus causes the body to attack the beta cells in the pancreas. Once these cells are destroyed the body can no longer produce insulin. This disease destroys the beta cells in the pancreas that produces insulin. The scary thing about this chronic disease is that the symptoms occur very quickly. Children at this early age are known for having minor childhood illnesses. These minor complications may be confused with the symptoms of juvenile diabetes.

Treatment for juvenile diabetes
At this time, there is no cure for diabetes. The only treatment for juvenile diabetes is insulin injections or an insulin pump. Insulin cannot be taken as a pill. Juvenile diabetes requires daily blood sugar checks (often 4 or more times a day). Diet and exercise is also a very important componet in treatment of diabetes.
The sign of juvenile diabetes symptoms
Increased urination: Since glucose cannot reach the cells, glucose levels rises in the blood. The kidneys respond by trying to filter out the extra sugar. Urine production increases. This is why you see a marked increase in urination as a classic sign of juvenile diabetes.
Increased thirst: As the body's urination increases the person becomes more thirsty.
Important: Parents often think a child is urinating more because their child is drinking more, when in actuality they are drinking more because they are urinating more.
Increased hunger: Children with diabetes often complain of being hungry. The reason for this is simple. Without glucose reaching the body cells, their body is not being fed.
Weight loss: People with an overweight is at greater risk for diabetes.
That explanation of diabetes in young children may be useful and hopefully we can prevent early that diabetes does not happen to us

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