October 13, 2011

diabetes definition

Definition of Diabetes
The word Diabetes was coined by Aretaeus (81133 CE) of Cappadocia. The word is derived from the Greek diabanein, which literally means "passing through" or "siphon", a reference to one of the main symptoms of Diabetes - excessive urine discharge.
Diabetes is a condition whereby the body is not able to regulate levels of glucose (a sugar) in the blood, resulting in too much glucose being present in the blood.
Glucose is the simplest form of sugar and is vital for providing energy for cells to function and grow. Glucose travels via the blood stream to all of the organs and muscles in the body, where it is used as a fuel so that the organs can continue to function properly. The normal / safe level for glucose in the blood is between 3.5 and 7.8 mmol/l (milli-moles per liter).
Glucose is the main sugar that comes from the digestion of the foods that we eat and the liquids that we drink. For example, breads, cereals, dairy foods (such as milk), fruits, and some vegetables that contain carbohydrate in the forms of starches and sugars. When eaten, these are broken down in our digestive tract and absorbed into the blood stream as glucose.
Diabetes occurs when there is too much glucose in the blood. Or, to be more precise, diabetes occurs when the body is unable to regulate the level of glucose in the blood, resulting in too much glucose being present.
The presence of diabetes can be indicated by a range of symptoms,generally called sign of diabetes however these symptoms may not appear or be noticeable until extremely high levels of glucose are in the blood, such as above 15mmol/l (milli-moles per liter) or we called type 1 diabetes. The normal / safe level for glucose in the blood is between 3.5 and 7.8 mmol/l (milli-moles per liter). because it would be good if we know the definition of diabetes is to keep our bodies instead of developing diabetes and also does not hurt as well if we do diabetic diet guidelines so that we avoid the problem of diabetes
In the "western world", approximately one adult in twelve has diabetes, and the prevalence of diabetes is increasing.
Research has also shown that for every person with diabetes, there is another person who has it but it not yet aware that they have it and they have not yet been diagnosed with it. It all happened because of a lack of attention to routine medical examinations more so for men because of signs of diabetes in men is more easily affected than women. so consider your health problems before something bad happens remember prevention is better than cure

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