February 24, 2012

Factors That Cause Diabetes Type 2 And Type 1

Causes of Type 1 DiabetesType 1 diabetes is associated with beta cell destruction islands of Langerhans in the pancreas. This condition causes the cessation of the supply of insulin to the body, and yet there is a medical technology or certain drugs that can improve the function of the pancreas.Such damage can affect children and adults and can occur due to genetic factors. Patients with type 1 diabetes during life must receive insulin injections from outside the body.Causes of Type 2 DiabetesType 2 diabetes occurs only in adults, because they generally are obese. What is the relation of obesity and diabetes? Patients with type 2 diabetes can produce insulin, but the amount of insulin is not mecukupi because there are complications caused by obesity, such as high levels of blood fats, both cholesterol and triglyceride levels. This condition is called insulin resistance.The pancreas can produce insulin but the body's cells can not absorb blood sugar is needed. Therefore, there was polyuria (frequent urination in a lot of volume), polidipsi (frequently thirsty), and polifagi (often feel faint).Revitalization of the PancreasThe most effective therapy to cure diabetes, both type 1
and 2, is to revitalize the pancreas. For those of you who still suspect diabetes may be easily reconciled with the pancreas, using the latest therapies revitalization of pancreatic function.The latest news, this therapy can spend millions of dollars. You ready? If you do not need not worry because there are some supplements that can help. One of the best and has been clinically proven to help regenerate the pancreas of diabetics is Noni juice.Noni juice has passed through various studies, and the result is fruit contains proxeronin seronin in which there are active. What is the function seronin? These substances are naturally able to repair the pancreas of diabetics, so whatever the cause of diabetes for pancreas can return to work optimally, the issue is completed.High antioxidant free radicals is also efficacious, and this means the fruit is also useful as anti-cancer. But of course, Noni juice can not work optimally if you do not have a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly. Keep your weight is important, both in patients with diabetes type 1 and 2.After knowing the cause of diabetes, let us find out what are the symptoms of diabetes by reading the pages Beware of the symptoms of Diabetes. Diabetes Drug Also see the article and get other useful information.

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