November 18, 2011

Cure For Type 2 Diabetes

Cure For Type 2 Diabetes
Is there a cure for Type 2 diabetes?
What is Type 2 diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes mellitus was once referred to as non-insulin-dependent diabetes that causes an abnormality in the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein and lipids in the body.
Type 2 diabetes is also called the adult-onset diabetes because it often appears in adults as a result of lifestyle choices.
How is Type 2 diabetes 'cured' or at least, treated?
Treatment is extremely important when dealing with Type 2 diabetes because it can lead to complications that are life-threatening.
These complications include kidney failure, heart disease and blindness. The main thrust of any treatment for Type 2 diabetes is to control the amount of glucose found in the blood.
For Type 2 diabetes, a semblance of a cure can be produced with the use of a controlled and sensible diet, regular exercise and weight loss.
This is usually the first course of treatment, primarily because weight and a lack of physical activity are often lead contributors to Type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes diet and lifestyle
There is no specialized diet for Type 2 diabetes, but portion control and preference for healthier foods should be implemented.
If taken in controlled doses and monitored, these drugs should be an effective means with which to manage Type 2 diabetes.
Oral medications are effective for about 40% of people who have Type 2 diabetes while about 40% will need insulin injections.
When headlines trumpet that a cure for Type 2 diabetes is possible, they're almost tempting to believe. If a 'cure' for Type 2 diabetes suddenly appears, exercise prudence and common sense when considering it.
The future of Type 2 diabetes
Research about Type 2 diabetes is ongoing and the main goal is to finally find a cure for this disease.
A type 2 diabetes cure... that is such a great thought! A search into Google News for "diabetes medications" reveals a hefty list of so-called diabetes drug "breakthroughs". With dozens of diabetes drugs in the pipeline, the news may give you an impression that a cure-like treatment for type 2 diabetes is a pill away.
Most medications only slightly control or lower blood sugar levels... and none of them do a thing to deal with the underlying cause of type 2 diabetes: excess weight. Treating diabetes without drugs means no shortcuts, hard work, and some hurdles to jump over.
The Best Non-Medicinal Diabetes Treatments
Weight loss: Obesity isn't just one of the leading causes of Type 2 diabetes, it is the cause.
Diet. Eating a low-sugar diet is vital to treating type 2 diabetes, as is eating certain types of food. If your type 2 diabetes is completely out of control with blood sugar levels like a roller coaster... medications can still be a part of your life.

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